Monday 14 November 2011

Chris ware Papercraft

I found these also to be really inspiring, i love how detailed yet simple they are, much like his comics & other work.........
i like this design because of some of the extra bits you get with it, i.e the pizza box, it had made me think about adding possible extra bits to my final design.
i have to chosen to look at this design because it ties in with the robot theme in my work, it has given me some ideas for shapes & how the features could look,
here is something that has helped inspire my flat-pack robot idea for the instructional diagram brief. i am a fan of this design but i want to move away from the solid vector design. in my piece i would like to use hand painting techniques to give a more authentic and desirable look.

Monday 31 October 2011


Also in the introductory lecture we talked about Rotoscoping. i instantly got reminded of one of my favorite music videos "Shoot The Runner" by Kasabian. it is made entirely from rotoscoping......


Dir: Mark Simon Hewis

One man's life told in one giant human sized zoetrope.


This is an image produced by Eadweard Muybridge. it was shown to us in the introductory lecture on Zoetropes, i was immediately inspired by the task of getting something to look like it was flying.

Sunday 2 October 2011


Some good examples of sequential imagery in this video...but generally a MUST watch.....

Wednesday 28 September 2011

I have heard that Chris Ware tries to achieve a certain typographic style to his drawings, and i can see what he means, the illustrations are structured and ordered, using blocks of solid color and vector shapes. also the composition of frames is well thought out and aesthetically pleasing on the page.

Chris Ware

This is an example of moment-to-moment sequential image making by Chris Ware. i really like how subtle some of the changes are in a couple of frames. i think it adds a certain calmness to some of his work and helps to change the pace of what is happening in the stories.